The season begins with a special performance by the Chamber Jazz Consort, a versatile ensemble known for its dynamic performances across a wide range of musical styles. This concert will feature a rich blend of timeless jazz standards, Brazilian music, and original compositions by the ensemble members. Highlights include Singing for Chiara (world premiere) by Eduardo Tonietto, Summertime by George Gershwin, and Rhapsody in Blue arranged for bass clarinet. The ensemble's remarkable musicians, including Oene van Geel (jazz violin), Sarah Oates (violin), Eduardo Tonietto (cello), Elina Buksha (violin), and Anton Jakimenko (clarinet), will captivate with their artistry and creative versatility. Known for their collaborations with jazz luminaries like Lars Danielsson and Aaron Parks, the Chamber Jazz Consort promises an unforgettable evening of boundary-pushing music.
When: Monday 10/02/2025
(20:00 -
Full Circle House, Chau. de Vleurgat 89, 1050 Ixelles